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Space-Tec Space Pen (Red Comet)

Space-Tec Space Pen (Red Comet) Review

Space-Tec Space Pen (Red Comet) Feature

  • Writes upside down, underwater and in zero-gravity!
  • Withstands temperatures of -30 deg F (-34 deg C) to 250 deg F (121 deg C)
  • Medium point black ink
  • Patented sealed-pressurized ink cartridge
With its tapered translucent barrel, the Space Tec Fisher Space Pen features the same special ink that allows it to be used in space in a stylish casing. Great for young astronauts, this pen is available in both "ice blue" and red colors. Used on all manned NASA space flights, the Fisher Space Pen is unconditionally guaranteed to give outstanding service both here on Earth and in space.


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